With the latest knowledge and technology support in the field of geriatrics, adhereing to ethical principles with our staff in order to ensure that our guests are in complete physical, mental and social well-being to serve in a respectful and loving environment in accordance with human dignity and to increase the quality of life.
The Deniz Park Nursing Home and Elder Care Center adopting with its different perspective and holistic approach aims to become a Senior Life Center to create a model for Turkey with its quality service concept and to be referenced in the world.
- Customer satisfaction: Deniz Park Nursing Home and Elderly Care Center aiming to exceed customer expectations by continuously improving service quality monitors systematically the satisfaction of the people receiving services and uses the results obtained to improve the services offered.
- Employee satisfaction: The most important priority is to have happy and smiling employee to provide happy and satisfied customers.We act with the belief that a quality service is provided only with quality, trained and experienced staff.
- Love, respect and peaceful environment: In Deniz Park Nursing Home and Elderly Care Center, both the service users and the service providers receive and serve in an environment of love, respect and tranquility.The way we want to be treated, we treat the other person.
- Life coaching – Companionship: Life is a long journey. In this journey one developes, matures, dreams and tries to reach his goals. As majority of the elderly leave their dreams and goals to the young, they are drawn to the corner, severed their ties with life and await fearfully the death. Our goal is to remember that our guests still have work to do in life as long as they breathe by providing to present their abilities ands skills by encouraging them to find occupations being suitable for them and enabling the greatest happiness to connect to life with love. We will be their companion for the rest of our life.
- To work based on ethical principles and trust: We act in accordance with ethical rules in all our relationships, and behave with respect, honesty, goodwill and understanding in our interpersonal communication.We act with consciousness “respect for human being”.
- Innovation and continuous renewal: We approach elderly with a different perspective and service understanding, we constantly try to improve our services. We produce innovative ideas that will create customer satisfaction and reflect them into practice.
- Social responsibility: While we use all the resources that this world offers us knowing that we are part of a whole, we regard being sensitive and attentive as a reflection of the love and respect we feel fort he world, environment, humanity, future generations and ourselves.