Recommendations for healthy eating in old age and before. Health eating is important in every age period. However questions and answers about the subjects that individuals should pay attention after the age of 50 are summarized below:
What should be the amount of food?
Although the answer to this question varies according to the person, after the age of 50, a woman who is not physically active needs about 1600 calories and a man needs 2000 calories. The need for a physically active woman can reach 2000-2200 calories and 2400-2800 calories for men. Individuals are recommended to do physical activity (physical activity) for 150 minutes per week. More than 10 times a day activities are appropriate multiple times a day. 10-minute activities are suitable more than once a day. Walking is the most commonly recommended physical activity in old age.
Is the variety of dishes important?
Yes. For adequate and balanced nutrition everyday one should consume from each food group as much as the body needs. There is a food pyramid of our country which is shown below which contains suggestions to the general society. According to the pyramid, milk and dairy products, meat, eggs, legumes, vegetables and fruits, bread and cereals represent four basic nutrients. In the old age especially in the presence of any health problem/disease, consumption of food groups should be presented to the individual by the health workers with recommendations.
What should be taken into account when drinking water?
As the age progresses, there may be regression related to the feeling of thirst. Water is the most important beverage that meets the fluid needs of the body. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses a day. To drink water one should not wait to be thirsty. In addition to water, freshly squeezed fruit juices, milk, soups, such as liquids to meet the daily fluid needs is valuable to drink.
What is the priority for fiber foods?
The consumption of fibrous foods is significant for the solution of gastrointestinal problems (eg constipation). This type of nutrition also regulates blood sugar and contributes to lowering cholesterol levels. High fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods, etc.
How to behave about salt?
Over 50 years of sodium is needed at 1.5 mg per day. This is taken through daily consumed foods. Therefore, an additional intake is needed. It is recommended that no salt is added to the dish and no salt is added to the table.
What should be known about fatty foods?
Daily fat intake to the body is taken in two ways as fat added during cooking in addition to the content of foods. Fat is a source of energy, but has a high calorie value. It is appropriate to adopt basic approaches such as consuming low-fat foods, avoiding the addition of fat and sauce to foods such as salads, and not preparing food by frying in oil. The above information emphasizes general conceptual approaches. It is natural and expected that differentiation of general recommendations is taken into consideration when considering the individual characteristics of the person, the existing health problems and the special conditions.
Resource: It is taken from the official website of Turkish Geriatrics Association.